Eucharistic Adoration is a wonderful treasure held in the St. Therese de Lisieux Chapel beside the church. Our Lord wants us to spend quiet time in His Eucharistic Presence to deepen our personal relationship with Him. “Come to Me, all you who are weary and find life burdensome and I will refresh you. Learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble of Heart and you will find rest.” Matthew 11:28-29
We have scheduled hours Monday - Friday from 5:00am to 11:00pm. This quiet hour of prayer can be spent in different ways. You may want to speak to Jesus heart to Heart or listen to Him speak to you as He does through inspiration. Or you can just sit and relax and enjoy the peace that comes from being in His presence. You can pray the Rosary, read scripture or do both. You can bring your own prayer books and there are books in the chapel that you may use.
St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta and numerous saints regularly spent time with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. They would tell people that this time spent with our Lord was where they obtained the energy to do so much for God and His people.
For more information contact:
Brian Caswell, [email protected] or
Abby Caswell 512-636-5918.