More than 55 women participated in an amazing day of spiritual and physical healing on Saturday. Speaker and Spiritual Director Terri Kettle led us to healing. Our hearts and souls were moved to recognize our true identities as daughters of the King as we revealed our struggles/sins, mediated on combative virtues, saturated ourselves in HIS sacred scripture that gave us the gifts of the sacraments and church, and witnessed a powerful testimony of physical healing. All this was interwoven with loving table sharing and beautiful angelic worship music! We took it all to the foot of the cross in Eucharistic Adoration which was presided by Deacon Charlie. We were eternally grateful to gather so many precious Godly women all persevering to seek, know, love and serve our amazing God!
Our speaker was parishioner Ester Allgower who enlightened us with biblical truths of the Holy Spirit based on scripture which are found in the catechism. It was a delightful retreat for all. Click here for photo album
Mary Pomeroy our ministry founder gave us a day of learning more about angels, archangels and how we are to continue to pray to them for protection. Click here for photo album