Attend hour of introduction to Natural Family Planning by Sheila and Jeff Bosworth [email protected]. Apply to couple younger than 45 years old.
Final meeting with a priest or deacon to go over the Rite of Marriage
Before the wedding ceremony
Submit the liturgical planning form 4 weeks before the wedding
Documents needed
For Catholic party: Record of Baptism and notation of other Sacraments from your church of baptism issued within 6 months before or after your first meeting with a priest. You can request from your church of baptism.
For non-Catholic party: baptismal certificate that show validly baptized.
4 forms of Affidavit: 2 for the bride and 2 for the groom
if a couple already married civilly, a copy of civil marriage license.
if you were previously married in the Church, a copy of the declaration of nullity from the diocese you filed for annulment and a copy of your previous marriage license.
If your former spouse deceased, a copy of death certificate.