Come and join our annual HS Mission trip to San Juan, TX. This trip is for rising HS Freshman through graduating HS seniors. Young adults are also welcome to attend. Come and find out what all the excitement is about as we join in fellowship and service to those less fortunate. It will be a week of service, sacrifice, fellowship, and worship. You will make lifelong friendships, and if you let it, it will deepen your Faith in Jesus. We need adult chaperones with and without mad construction skills. All participants that are 18 years old and older must be EIM compliant.
When: July 19 - June 26, 2025
Trip Fee: $410
Lodging: Pilgrim House & Basilica Hotel at the Basilica of Our Lady of San Juan Del Valle
Where: San Juan, TX
Deadline: First come first serve, must register and turn in consent forms by May 31st. When you recieve the registration confirmation email, the consent forms will be linked to fill out. If you do not receive the registration confirmation email, use the consent forms below. We are only taking online payments; no cash or checks please.
Download Information Sheet and Packing List
Youth: Parent Consent Form (17 and under)
Adults: Adult Consent Form (18 and over)
Spanish: Formularios en Español
If you have any questions, contact:
Kara Kelly at [email protected] or Steve Curran at [email protected]