Patron Saint : Clair de Asissi to be celebrated August 11, 2022
Mission Statement
The mission of St. Martin de Porres, Prayer Blanket Ministry is to provide prayer blankets to support our community in their time of need; whether it be health issues, bereavement, mental or chronic illness. These blankets are blessed, include a rosary and are wrapped in love and prayer.
Blankets made at this ministry are lap-sized blankets. They may be quilted, knitted, crocheted or hand tied fleece blankets. We have monthly work sessions and these items are created, finished or worked on during these meetings. If you want to help but are unable to join us, we have kits that can be taken home and worked at your leisure. All pockets and rosaries are attached at the meetings for final blessings. If you have wanted to learn to make a quilt or a blanket, we have instructors that can provide you with ideas on simple quilts and blankets. We invite you to come enjoy a session with us.
If you know someone in need of a prayer blanket, you may call or email one of our coordinators. You may also reach out to the Parish office and they will get word to us. Eligible recipients include any adult or child who is in need of comfort, has a chronic illness, undergoing chemotherapy, facing or recovering from surgery, bereavement or has been in an accident.
How may I request a prayer blanket?
In order to keep requests confidential, please contact the parish office or the ministry directly, either by phone or email. You may also contact Irma Cusac 602-315-9910, [email protected]; or Katie Brooks: 210-394-5283 [email protected] Information will be processed and delivery arranged with the person making the request.
Irma Cusac
[email protected]
Katie Brooks
[email protected]